Fly Repellents

In the summer your shetland or miniature horse can experience a lot of nuisance from stinging insects. You protect it optimally with one of the protection products and odor-neutralizing sprays from our webshop.

Directly to: Fly Rugs | Fly Masks & Fringes | Fly Caps

6 Items

Expected delivery time 4-10 working days

$16.79 $18.65

Expected delivery time 4-10 working days

$16.14 $23.05

Expected delivery time 4-10 working days

$5.01 $7.15

Expected delivery time 4-10 working days

$74.21 $82.45

Expected delivery time 4-9 working days

$40.80 $58.29

Expected delivery time 4-9 working days

$21.55 $30.79

Protect your shetlander against nuisance from flies

Flying insects can cause a lot of trouble for your shetlander or miniature horse. Fortunately, you can help your horse with one of our odor-neutralizing sprays.

Especially in the summer, sting flies, mosquitoes and horse flies buzz around your horse in large numbers. He can also suffer a lot from this flying vermin. Your shetlander or miniature horse gets restless from all that buzzing around his head. In addition, insect bites and stings cause pain and itching. The flies can also transmit viruses and bacteria. Reason enough to protect your shetlander or horse against this nuisance.

Sprays from MHS Equestrian

In our webshop you will find various solutions, including odor-neutralizing sprays. The sprays remove as the name suggests the smell that insects like about your horse. Because of this, insects feel less or not attracted to your horse, which means that they suffer less from all those insects. You can easily apply the spray by spraying your horse at a distance of 20-40 cm. Be careful to avoid contact with the eyes.

As an addition to an odor-neutralizing spray, consider the use of stag horn oil. This oil, which you mix with the odor-neutralizing spray, has an even less pleasant odor for flies, which keeps insects away.

Even more protection against flying

You can further protect your miniature horse against insects with a fly rug, fly mask and / or ear net.

A fly rug is a thin, fine-mesh blanket that protects the entire body of your horse against vermin. With the help of a fly mask and ear net you protect the eyes and ears of your horse.

Other care products in our webshop

Also for the other care of your shetlander or mini horse with you at MHS Equestrian at the right place. With our Summer Care Spray or Roll-on you take care of your pony's coat with a moisturizing agent that will make it shine beautifully. Summer Care smells delicious and is made from vegetable raw materials.

Fast delivery of your order

We understand that you want your products to be delivered quickly. That is why we ensure that every order placed on working days before 5 p.m. is shipped on the same working day.