Side Reins Aids

The leather side reins from MHS Equestrian help your shetlander or mini-horse while lunging and riding. Need advice? Ask our experts.

Directly to: Breastplates | Lungeing & Schooling Aids

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Expected delivery time 4-9 working days

$21.18 $30.25

Expected delivery time 4-10 working days

$26.28 $35.04

Expected delivery time 4-10 working days

$24.21 $32.29

Expected delivery time 4-10 working days

$16.46 $21.95

Expected delivery time 4-10 working days

$30.48 $40.65

Shetland side reins from MHS Equestrian

You can find comfortable, leather side reins at MHS Equestrian. This bridle for your shetlander or miniature horse consists of two straps that are connected from the bit to the girth. You can attach the bridle to different heights on the side of the canal. This allows you to determine the amount of pressure. The bridle is meant to teach your horse to hold its bit in its mouth correctly.

As a rider you do not have to hold the additional bracket yourself. The rein takes care of the correction: if you do not pull the shet or pony on the bit or on the reins, it feels no pressure. Only when your horse expresses its nose and starts to pull does the rein come under pressure.

There is often a rubber ring or adapter in the rein's belt that reduces the resistance of the rein. The longer the rubber spacer, the more flexibility.

The bridle is easy to use and your horse can only move its head sideways to a limited extent during use. You can use additional reins for both driving and lunging.

Side reins when lunging

Lung is a good training for your shetlander to get used to the pressure of the bit. Your horse will also get used to your voice during lunging (or other groundwork).

Side reins are often used for lunging. With proper use, the bridle enables your horse to improve itself and its posture. He benefits again during journeys.

Just like all other auxiliary reins, the additional bracket is an aid. We therefore advise you to exercise hardly any force when using the rein. Immerse yourself well in the use and apply the auxiliary rein in all peace and space. This way your shetlander or miniature horse will not get any negative associations with the reins and you can train with pleasure.

Advice from the experts at MHS Equestrian

Our experts are happy to advise you on the correct support and use. We are available by phone on workdays from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Do not hesitate to call us, we are happy to help!